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Collins, S., Ŝabanović, S., Fraune, M., Randall, N., Eldridge, L., Piatt, J. A., ... & Nagata, S. (2018, March). Sensing

Companions: Potential Clinical Uses of Robot Sensor Data for Home Care of Older Adults with Depression. In Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 89-90). ACM.




Randall, N., Bennett, C. C., Šabanović, S., Nagata, S., Eldridge, L., Collins, S., & Piatt, J. A. (2019). More than just friends: in-home use and design recommendations for sensing socially assistive robots (SARs) by older adults with depression. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 10(1), 237-255.




Joshi, S.*, Collins, S.*, Kamino, W., Gomez, R., Šabanović, S. (2020). Social Robots for Socio-Physical Distancing. 12th International Conference on Social Robotics. 

*Co-First Authors



Kamino, W., Joshi, S., Collins, S., Šabanović, S., (2020). Robots as Sensitive Companions through Physical Distancing. DIS 2020 At: Expressive\Sensitive Workshop.



Collins, S., & Šabanović, S. (2021, August). " What Does Your Robot Do?" A Tabletop Role-Playing Game to Support Robot Design. In 2021 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) (pp. 1097-1102). IEEE.

Sawyer Collins, Indiana University Bloomington

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